Professional experience

Since 2006 I have worked in the conduction of different radio and television spaces. Currently, I am a reporter for Noticias WINK on Univision SWFL.

From 2006 to the present, I have led the conduction and production of multiple radio spaces, currently working for 97.7 Latino and 97.3 y 95.7 Maxima in Southwest Florida.

From 2019 to the present, I have been the voice image of multiple radio stations on the IHeartRadio circuit.

Philosophy of the news

Honesty and transparency. Provide people the information they need to stay informed, always giving the best of me as a professional, creating connections and relations in every place you go.

Hobbies, interests, and community involvement

I value my faith, health and helping others. I love spending time with my family and friends, dancing, reading and doing outdoor sport. I love music and I have an indescribable love for animals.


Graduated in Social Communication from Rafael Belloso Chacin University in Maracaibo Venezuela.

Certified Professional Announcer from the University of Zulia, Venezuela

What she likes best about Southwest Florida

The diversity of its population, without a doubt its beautiful beaches and splendid sunsets.

Native city

Maracaibo, Venezuela


2013 I obtained the Chiquinquirá Platinum recognition as Regional Animator of the year. Maracaibo, Venezuela.

FEMA asegura recursos y financiamiento para enfrentar al huracán Idalia en Florida

En medio de la anticipación por la llegada del huracán Idalia a Florida, la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA) se ha movilizado con decisión para brindar apoyo. Deanne Criswell, Administradora de FEMA, destacó los preparativos previos a la tormenta, posicionando equipos y recursos en áreas de posible impacto.